English Typing Chapter 3
After completing first and second exercise, We’re going to start 3rd important exercise. In this exercise we repeat our previous finger position of exercise number two on the top row of your keyboard below the number keys. You will find this exercise as “Practice set 3” in Techno typing pro software:

This typing tutor you get all such exercises. It helps to master your typing skills.
Put four fingers excluding thumb of your left hand continuously on Q W E R and four fingers excluding thumb of your right hand on P O I U. And start practise by pressing continuous keys QWERTR and POIUYU. Remember that you have to press R T and R using your index finger (the finger near your thumb). It means you will press total 6 keys using your left hand.
Do same with your right hand also. Press P O I U Y and again U. With right hand you have to press total three keys with index finger – U Y U.

Press keys in same sequence as given number in the above image of keyboard as:
qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu
Do this exercise continuously for at least 60 mins with the set of 10-10 minutes to master your typing skills. Use this typing software for pc – TechnoTypingPro for batter performance.